Category: Entities/Parasites

  • Unlocking Energetic Cords: When the Soul Deems the Time is Right

    Unlocking Energetic Cords: When the Soul Deems the Time is Right

    The concept of energetic cords or attachments between people is well-established in many spiritual and metaphysical traditions around the world. These etheric connections form through the bonds of intimate relationships, family ties, friendships, group affiliations and even chance encounters with others. Essentially, every interaction and energetic exchange we have with…

  • Exploring the Chakras and Their Vulnerabilities to Astral Entities

    Exploring the Chakras and Their Vulnerabilities to Astral Entities

    Our journey into the realm of astral entities and their attachment through the chakras continues as we delve deeper into each energy center. Understanding the nuances of how these entities influence us through our chakras can provide valuable insights into recognizing their presence. Here, we explore each chakra in detail,…

  • Discarnate Humans and Etheric Attachments.

    Discarnate Humans and Etheric Attachments.

    Completing the grieving process is essential, not just for the living but also for the peaceful transition of the deceased. When individuals cannot let go of their attachment to a loved one who has passed away, this emotional bond can influence the journey of the departed soul, resulting in an…

  • “Unveiling the Unseen: Astral Entities and Their Impact on PTSD”

    “Unveiling the Unseen: Astral Entities and Their Impact on PTSD”

    As an entity’s influence grows, symptoms escalate. Addictive behaviours may increase as they drive cravings. Insomnia, exhaustion and physical ailments manifest from chronic energy drain. Uncontrollable rage, deep depression or self-harm may emerge as they amplify pain and provoke inner fracturing. Some even hear voices making demands or experience violent…

  • The Inner Critic and how it is influenced by negative entities.

    The Inner Critic and how it is influenced by negative entities.

    This inner critic often stems from negative experiences, societal pressures, and our own insecurities. However, what if there is more to the inner critic than meets the eye? What if it is not solely a product of our own minds, but can also be influenced by external forces such as…

  • Working with Obsidian Light – dealing with Archonic Parasites

    If you have not already read my articles on the Archons please follow this link: When I look at the auric field or plasma body of one who has an archonic infection I see what look like black worms, snakes, or slugs riddled throughout the field. These worms appear…

  • Signs of an archonic infection and possible cures.

    Please read my other articles about the Archons before reading this so you have full understanding. The Archons are low-vibrating thought-forms, empowered by our own creative mind abilities. In a strange way they give us the opportunity to choose what we’re creating, what we are thinking by aligning with archonic…

  • The Archons, are they dark plasma beings?

    Taken from “The latest WMAP results show that more than 95% of the universe is composed of invisible non-baryonic dark matter and energy. Composition of Our Universe- The matter that is visible and currently directly measurable is composed of particles that have been identified in the physicists’ “Standard Model”.…